Artículo original traducido por Francis Ortiz del artículo de Mashable
Mientras el uso de Smartphones continúa aumentando, según un nuevo estudio cerca de tres cuartas partes de los propietarios de estos terminales están utilizándolos para conseguir información basada en su ubicación en tiempor real.
Este estudio, llevado a cabo por la Pew Internet & America Life Project nos dice que alrededor del 74% de usuarios de smartphone utilizan Servicios basados en Geolocalización para encontrar información a su alrededor. Además, uno de cada cinco, (18%) están haciendo check in en negocios locales, desde restaurantes a cines, utilizando servicios Geo-sociales como Foursquare .
Más de este artículo pendiente de traducción:
El aumento de Smartphone adoption has grown from 35% in 2011 to 46% in 2012, bringing with it more access to location-based apps and services. The amount of consumers who "check in" to certain places via geo-social services has reached 18%, up from 12% in 2011.SEE ALSO: 5 ways to get started with a location-based marketing plan
“It has been fascinating to watch how people’s physical location has reentered the picture in their communications patterns," Pew Internet Research Specialist and report author Kathryn Zickuhr told Mashable.
"For a long time in our research, we’ve seen that location didn’t matter to consumer's Internet use or cellphone use. But the rise of location services and awareness has become a new part of people’s use of these digital technologies. The importance of where people are is reemerging as an element of their identity and their social interactions,” Zickuhr added.
Not surprisingly, location-based information services and geo-social “check-in” services are more likely to be used among young adults than older adults. And although those in lower-income households are not as inclined to use location-based information services, they are more likely to use geosocial services, according to study.
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